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News: Lowe's project dead

In the recent news of Lowe's cutting back stores, Lowe's has stepped away from building in Spring Pond Woods!  The Lowe's war may be over, but the fight to protect the area is not.

Conservation efforts will continue in protecting these woods, wetlands, watershed, Surface Water Protection zones, wildlife habitat, Native American sites, historical and cultural resources, and campground for children.  There was much to learn from the site in the past year and a half.  Not only is Spring Pond Woods beautiful, but it is rich in history and environmental importance.

Thank you to everyone who supported the cause in protecting Spring Pond Woods, one of the '1000 Great Places in Massachusetts.'

Salem News
Lowe's development dead
October 21, 2011, by Tom Dalton


  1. Outstanding! Lowe's didn't back out for economic reasons. The lawsuit was the reason. Congrats to everyone!

  2. The fight isn't over yet, but yes in response to a comment left on another post... I think a celebration is in order!

    Congrats to everyone!

  3. Happiness! I can continue walking the site!

  4. The Lynn Lions need to do the right thing. Save the site from future development! Everyone has their eyes on this organization. Where's the money gone from previous land sales? We are waiting for answers!

