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News event: Salem Mayor & Planning Dept: solutions to 'Transportation, Congestion, Access & Sustainability'...

Thank you to a friend for sharing the news of this event sponsored by The Mayor of Salem and Planning Department.  The event is offering solutions to transportation congestion and sustainability.  In case anyone is unaware of the problems with the Lowe's/ expanding Wal-mart project, blessed by the Mayor of Salem and Planning Department... this project is proposing to create traffic congestion, lack of accessibility for surrounding towns, while tearing away pristine woods... being not so sustainable.  Where is the solution here?


"Solutions to Transportation, Congestion, Access, & Sustainability, The North Shore TMA Forum: Solutions to Traffic, Congestion, Access, & Sustainability is an opportunity to learn more about how some North Shore businesses, communities, and organizations are working together to develop cost-effective, environmentally sustainable solutions that increase access and reduce the stress of commuting to their facility for employees and customers."
Opening remarks: Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, City of Salem
Where: City of Salem Planning & Community Development

The facts of the problem:  Traffic
  • "In addition, the project will generate an additional 5,960 average daily vehicle trips (adt) for a total of 13,292 adt and a total of 17,716 vehicle trips on an average Saturday." 
  • “’Big box’ stores such as the proposed Lowe’s and Wal-Mart are large energy users and generate considerable traffic, both of which result in significant emissions of greenhouse gasses that contribute to global climate change.” 
Reference The Secretary of State's letter:  www.env.state.ma.us/mepa/mepacerts/2010/sc/enf/14532eenf.pdf


  1. All subscribers need to read the front page of the Salem News today. It seems VICTORY is here.

    Do we dare celebrate???

  2. The fight isn't over yet, but yeah.. I think a celebration is in order!

