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News: Lowe's decision affect Salem? and Salem looks for flood help

Salem News
Could Lowe's decision affect Salem plan
by Tom Dalton, October 19, 2011
Story:  salemnews.com/local/x1184191770/Could-Lowes-decision-affect-Salem-plan/print
SPW Reference:  springpondwoods.com/2011/10/ap-news-lowes-closing-20-stores-and.html

Salem News
Salem looks for flood help
by Tom Dalton, October 18, 2011
Story:  salemnews.com/local/x744037202/Salem-looks-for-flood-help/print
SPW Reference:  springpondwoods.com/2011/10/october-4-flooding-on-highland.html


  1. I wonder if the Lowe's people can possibly connect the dots here. Alot of people do not like to see marshes, wetlands, meadows, hillsides, etc. destroyed for ugly big box, flat-roofed buildings. It is not smart growth. It doesn't make sense to rip up precious open-space when there are other options and other already developed parcels that they could utilize. Especially now when Lowe's is closing stores. I think Lowe's is getting a bad reputation because of this and losing business as a result. I know I used to shop at Lowe's--not anymore and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  2. It sounds like a low real estate scam. Loan washing, borrowing from Walmart! Eh?

  3. Who da thunk a company would stoop lower than W-mart?

