"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."
~ Robert Frost
In the period of approaching winter, near the final judgement of the Salem Planning Board's decision on the fate of whether acres of Spring Pond Woods would be delivered to Wal-mart's expansion and a new Lowe's, morality is set parallel to shortsighted transience of nature's cycle, with wonder if the trees will green again. If an advocate would complete Robert Frost's poem, it would be certain to be written with the belief that the rhythm of nature will repeat, as it does with color before winter's break, and in the return of spring. Hope is like the season of winter waiting for spring, hoping to hear the animals and all who enjoy these woods, roam here again... hoping the trees will bud once more, grow green, recolor and repeat the cycle over again. "Nothing gold can stay", conceivably returns in some way.
Please join us at the continuation of the Salem Planning Board Public Meeting, Thursday, December 2, 7pm, Salem City Annex Bldg., 120 Washington St., Rm. 313.
peace on
I walked around Spring Pond Woods yesterday and in the thickets saw a Carolina Wren, so small and tiny as it was picking at berries and insects--fattening up for it's migration southward. How disgusting, cruel and selfish, or maybe just ignorant for some people not to realize that this area is needed for migratory birds. The bird will make it's journey back in the spring--using it's memory of where a reliable food source is. I pray and hope that it's food source will still be there upon its return here and not a huge, flat-top big box store with a sterile, pesticide-ladden lawn with a few nursery trees replacing a rich bounty of natural, reliable food source. I think about the migratory journey's that birds make each year; some not making it to their destination due to starvation, blown off course, shot at by hunters, struck by cars, and loss of habitat, etc. and wonder, how can people not care at all about the rest of the living creatures that are on the earth. Why would they want to destroy a place that has been a haven and refuge for so long. The tribulations that wildlife suffer versus a union wife's husband sleeping in a van. Sorry, but I have more empathy and compassion for the wildlife that are losing precious habitat.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this can put your cause into perspective a bit more. The Union workers wife is lucky compared to the blight of these people but at the same time her cause is food, jobs and plugging ahead.
You are a passionate crew and if you truly steered all the time and energy you put into this worthless cause and into something where you could actually make a difference think of the rewards.
ReplyDeleteFor the amount of time you spend, looks like you need to find a cause. To put things in perspective for you, saving nature and preventing city slum, is as important as cleaning up a slum. Learn more about this cause and join it.