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News: Turtle Stone inquiries from different parts of Salem

In this month of August, an architect and historian, John Goff publishes an article on the presence of Native American Stones including Turtle Stones in other parts of Salem!
Salem Gazette, John Goff: Salem's natural petroglyphs, August 18, 2011.

A reference in this news article, relates to an earlier article written by Mr. Goff in December of 2010, with further information on Native American Turtles and Stone Turtle sightings in Salem.  (www.wickedlocal.com/salem/news/lifestyle/columnists/x2068978333/John-Goff-Tutored-by-turtles#axzz1VlXADl8X)

Here also, in Spring Pond Woods, I have come across what possibility resembles several Native American Turtle Stones. See photos here: www.springpondwoods.com/2011/07/turtle-stones.html?utm_source=BP_recent

The questions and claims from different sites arise, on early Native American remnants in Salem and surrounding regions.

1 comment:

  1. Intriguing articles. I would like to know if the stones, chambers, etc. that Mr. John Goff refers to in Burlington, MA are protected in any way; and, if so, how are they protected?

