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Letter: Transfer station lease fails to give closure

Across Rt-107 from Spring Pond Woods is an old trash facility at 12 Swampscott Rd, in which Lowe's was considered for an alternate site.  If chosen this site, this forest, wetlands and waterways would have been saved.  Thomas Kennedy of the Kennedy Development Group who is proposing the super shopping center construction for Lowe's and a Wal-mart expansion, said to me in person last October (journal) during a Salem Public hearing, that this land was expensive to clean for the project.  I question the expense vs building on the hilly terrain of Spring Pond Woods.  Here we have a complicated site, with many resources to protect.

The old trash dump across the way, is now the concept for a new Transition Station, where household trash would be collected.  The dump will create an increase in the amount of trash trucks traveling through regional city streets polluting the air along the way.  Many in the region are concerned of the environmental impact this will have.  For those who are following this cause, here is a letter in the Salem Gazette by a Salem councilor, who shares a few of the facts in his letter to the editor.

Letter: Transfer station lease fails to give city landfill closure
Read more:  Letter: Transfer station lease fails to give city landfill closure - Salem, Massachusetts - Salem Gazette

1 comment:

  1. Some of the City of Salem government officials, together with big businesses are walking all over citizens rights. The Mayor of Salem should recalled!

