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tropical rainforest interest?

Spring Pond Woods is not a tropical rain forest, but it does have many wetland areas.

Here is just an interesting fact about Lowe's... In the year 2000, The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), commended Lowe's for removing dowel's from the shelves, made from tropical rainforest wood in Indonesia.
 Link: http://www.eia-international.org/cgi/news/news.cgi?t=template&a=36

Six years later, in 2006, Lowes's was accused of making false environmental claims, as the company admitted a veneer product was coming from an unknown area in Papua, Indonesia, where a tropical rainforest is continuously under threat from illegal logging. The corporation, Lowe's could not prove the wood came from a legal source.
Link: http://news.mongabay.com/2006/0323-png.html

'Green' until caught 'red-handed'?

Lowe's environmental policy today declares to protect the world's threatened forests.
Link:  http://www.naturalstrategies.com/lowes-virtual-press-kit.htm
'Spring Pond Woods' matter to Lowe's?


  1. This leads me to the conclusion that since they can no longer get their wood from the Tropical Rainforests in South America, that they are getting the wood from closer to home--could that be why Lowe's always builds on undeveloped woodlands and meadows? Is there any information on the amount of space they have ripped up and built over rather than moving into an already developed area? Also where does all that wood go from the trees they destroy? Where does all that granite go from when they blast hillsides?

  2. Boycott Lowe's. I haven't been in one since March 2010--after I attended my first Salem Planning Board meeting and heard all of the nonsense from the Lowe's representatives.

  3. its all our faults for buying from these companies, and not being more aware where things come from.

  4. Agree---we consume too much.

  5. I hate Lowe's even more now since they decided to build in these woods!

  6. Woof from rainforest,
    There is only right & wrong. In this post, only the facts are presented to let others decide on their own: of the wrong and unethical environmental disasters, of which illegal logging of rainforest wood is causing depletion of important forests from our world. Shame on the matter.

