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Drawings: Elevations (approx. study)

Trying to have an idea with this study, approximately sketching what this project will look like with a bigger Wal-Mart, big box Lowes and water tower on top of the hill, of the highest point of Western and Highland Ave!

Current condition... hope these woods stay untouched.

The Plans are found here:  http://www.springpondwoods.com/2010/05/drawings.html

click on images above to enlarge


  1. I think that Lowes store looks beautiful up there on the hill. And the Wal-Mart changes colors, but that's about it. I really don't see this massive influx of traffic happening for a Lowes store. Hopefully when this project is done it will look as beautiful as your rendering.

  2. This development is a disgrace to the human race.

  3. I don't see any traffic.

  4. we already discussed this to you here:

    Is it ok if we call you Harasser #1.

    See this website is private property, and you are also harassing the property. If we were to harass anyone at a store, the police would come.

  5. who's harassing ?

  6. We are not sure what is misleading to you? The word (approx. study)

  7. remember this is America.
    You have the right to protest and I have the right to freedom of speech

  8. Good night and good luck.

  9. Yes feel free to comment, but not act in a harassing manner acting as multiple people on different posts, asking the same questions more than once. This is harassment.
    Hope this is more clear.

  10. These photos were all taken at the same period with the same wait time of the lights... as you will see from the clouds in the sky from observation.

    Apologies for the protection of this website.
    Please feel free to email peace@springpondwoods.com for further explaination. Feel free to comment, with respectively doing so, and don't be afraid to Add your name to the posts.. it helps with the discussion, but we already know who is who.. just would help the other readers.
    Thank you.

    Good night.

