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Map: Lion Land Transfers

The black outline in the maps below represent land granted by Elizabeth Trumbull in 1945 to Lynn Lions members, who later created the organization Camp Lion (copy).  Property which has been sold off, taken, or under a current sale agreement is shaded in pink.  The 'wild woodland' remaining or to remain from this grant is approximately shown in white.  Camp Lion of Lynn, Mass, Articles of Declaration state to maintain wild woodland (copy).

Previous Lion land transfers

Proposed Lion land transfers and clearing
Project:  Lowe's, expanded Wal-mart, displaced campground, water tower, and basins

Map overlays using Mass GIS data and Deed plan no. 71/55.   Drawn in Vectorworks Designer:  Architect, Landmark, Renderworks, by yours truly.


  1. Thank you Katerina for showing us what a distrustworthy, money-grabbing, fake non-profit organization this is.
    I always respected the Lions for work they did. Not anymore. What happened to all the money they reaped in when they sold land that was granted to them? They are criminals who unfortunately are in charge of a paradise.

  2. Fake non- profit. Where is the AG on this?!

  3. Money grubbing scum.

  4. :( Whats right & wrong, this is very wrong.

  5. The cell tower makes 4dimes a month from each company. Where is this money going?

  6. Over $300,000.00 to mass eye research over the last 40 or so years. Hundreds of thousands of dollars to local youth groups. Most recently over $4000.00 to replace the stolen benches from the little league parks.

  7. The tax filings are available for all to see.

  8. Japan eartquake releif $1000.00
    Ford school robotics $2000.00
    Lynn Arts $1200.00
    Pickering school $2000.00
    District 33n eyemobile $12,500.00

    The list goes on and on.

  9. the hatred you people talk about is scary. I feel you could easily cross over into becoming domestic terrorists. Don't get too caught up in this cause. It is a small plat of land off busy Highland Ave. There is already a Walmart there. Time to get a reality check.

  10. Domestic terrorism is what is being done to this forest, camp, and people around. This is the reality. Stop thinking of the $$$ from the sale, and recheck your mission statements.

    A lot of small good deeds doesn't make up for one big wrong.

  11. The interest off the sale of these properties cover what little donations made. Give everyone a break with the magic tricks!

  12. David Hughes needs to stop hiding behind the scenes.

  13. How many millions are you making off the sale? How many millions did you make off the cell towers? Spare us with the petty little donations.

  14. C,
    You need to stop hiding behind this blog.

  15. Amarica. Free to be a criminal.

  16. Was the City of Salem involved with this? The city had to be aware? There is probably more to discover if you look deep enough. Keep looking.

  17. distrusting and shameful

  18. How do the Lions expect to walk away smelling like flowers? Distrusting!

  19. To Anon 9:48 July 9,
    Words, loving and appreciating nature, peacefully walking through the woods, taking and displaying pictures---that to you is domestic terrorism? I would say blowing up, blasting, poisoning and pouring aspalt over living, viable woodlands, meadows, wetlands, forests and grassy groves is a bit more like terrorism. I am for preservation--not destruction.
    Maybe you think it's just a small plot of land--apparently meaningless to you; but it's a large tract of undisturbed habitat for hundreds of species of plants, animals, reptiles, amphibians who depend upon it for their life. How much more selfish and greedy can humans be? Leave something for nature--rather than an EXPANDED WalMart, EXPANDED Meineke and Lowe's.

  20. How does one get to be a Lion? How are the board members selected? Is there a connection between the Chamber of Commerce and Lynn Lions?

  21. Exposing facts is not terrorism, but in fact one's worst nightmare. Wake up Lions before it's too late. Many know not a penny from your pockets will be going to help the camp.

  22. To EB, July 17, 2011 2:54PM
    Good post.
    If you are one who knows where the money will be going--if you have facts---then you really should notify the Attorney General's office at 617-727-2200.

