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Lions Clubs International teams with Wal-mart

In a national campaign, The Lions Clubs International has teamed with Wal-mart to collect used glasses at Wal-mart stores across the country. A kiosk is found in stores, where glasses can be dropped off. The Lions Clubs International is now able to receive extensive advertisement and goods through Walmart's global market. In turn, Wal-mart and The Lions are able to demonstrate the good from these actions to the community. The Lions Clubs International website, further demonstrates a care for environment, through a tree planting campaign (in light of a policy made in 1972, to protect the environment. Link: http://lionsclubs.org/EN/member-center/planning-projects/sight/eyeglass-recycling/index.php.

A question to ask is, 'Do the board members of the Lions Clubs International care about the environment?' There are in fact many members around the world, doing good to protect the environment through individual programs.

1.  The Lions Clubs International has not responded to the concerns here. A division of the organization, the Lynn Lions Club, District 33N, has created and is affiliated with Camp Lion that has sold and is further selling acres of wild woodland for the destruction to build a Wal-mart expansion and new Lowe's.

2. The Lions Clubs International has received notification of the issues, through certified letters, hundreds of letters from an online petition, including a notice of complaint filed to the Attorney Generals Office in Massachusetts on the Lynn Lions Club and Camp Lion of Lynn Mass (by myself and others)... Reiterating the club(s) mission statement, charter's policy to protect the environment, or Camp Lion's Declaration of Articles to 'maintain a wild woodland'.

3. The Lions Clubs International is aware of the issues and concerns of the community, to save this spat of undeveloped land.

By ignoring the issues here, and by teaming with Wal-mart, are the Lions Clubs International now indicating support for the destruction of these pristine woods and wetlands in Salem?...Rather than saying NO to the very corporations (like Wal-Mart) whose project proposes to destroy it!

One may ask, 'Who are the Lions Clubs International?' The organization's great works does reflect somehow in the millions raised in funds, which in turn are mostly sent offshore. *Refer to: Tax documents filed by Lions Clubs International.

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