Remember this video, by Joyce Jr. Production...
Paving over Salem: Driscoll's Corporate Priority
An informative video presenting the impact of the proposed Lowe's/ Super Wal-mart in Spring Pond Woods, and Salem's re-Zoning to make it all work.
To better understand the 'text amendment' zoning change, the following quotes are taken from meeting minutes from a Salem Public Hearing on Sept. 3, 2008.
"The catalyst for this ordinance amendment was the talk for the development of Camp Lion and Walmart" said Lynn Duncan, Salem City Planner. She also said "the Planning Board needs to look at the requirements regarding traffic, run off, density and that there is no overall impact in the area that it's in harmony with the area." (harmony, huh?)
Driscoll adds "it's preliminary but we have been approached by Lowe's." "We need to avoid a piece meal approach. We want to make sure this works for everyone. This is a text amendment." (avoid piece meal approach, huh?)
Councillor Sargent - "that on the other side of Swampscott Road you always get 500 signatures against development." (I guess the Lynn/ Peabody side does not matter, and neither do the hundreds of petitions gathered here :(
Good Councillor Sargent then stated "this is an ENDRON around zoning."
Councilor Sosnowski asked "if Loew's could come in with the current zoning?"
Lynn Duncan stated - "no"
Attorney Correnti - "Abutters are notified if there is land being rezoned. This is amending the Planned Unit Development text." (Abutters did not have to be notified?)
Attorney Sarno for Camp Lion of Lynn- "Major concern is to be a good neighbor to the City of Salem" (How about the other cities?)
Councilor Furey- "We need to have confidence in the Planning Board."
"no public comment" (one question!... Is this spot zoning?)
They said it is a public hearing.... ????????