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News Articles

Reuters, January 25, 2011
Lowe's laying off 1,700 managers (then hiring parttime hourly staff)
Link:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/01/26/lowes-idUSN258036420110126

New Rules, ongoing...
Communities Battle Big Boxes  (and winning)
Link:  http://www.newrules.org/retail/taxonomy/term/12

Thank you to a couple friends from Lynn and Salem for sharing these links.


  1. My cousin was laid off this week from Lowe's in Mass. He was a manager making decent money, and now cannot find anything above minimum wage. He has two sons and cannot pay his mortgage. Way to go Lowe's.

  2. Destroy wilderness to build new store & lay off people in other stores. Way to go Lowe's!

