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News: Lynn Continues with Appeal

Salem News
Despite death of Lowe's project, Lynn files appeal
November 3, 2011, by Julie Manganis


  1. I'm not lawyer, but it makes perfect sense to me that if the City of Lynn has not received legal confirmation from Lowe's, etc. then it can't take the word of the Mayor of Salem that the project is not going forward in regard to Lowe's. In legal matters, the parties have to protect themselves and in this case, Lynn is protecting it's claims--just in case there's a change in plans. A lawyer who didn't do so would look like an idiot if it failed to file an appeal and then (after it's too late to appeal)--Lowe's changed its mind and decided to go forward. Maybe Lowe's saying it's out--is a fake-out--I'm sure that happens. A lawyer has to prepare for the "just in case" otherwise he/she is not a good lawyer. I think Lynn has valid claims against this project and should pursue their appeal, "just in case."

  2. Lynn has a smart lawyer

