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News articles

The Salem News
Developer admits fault, gets leniency

June 18, 2011
Thomas Kennedy of the Kennedy Development Group (who proposes to construct a Lowe's and expanded Walmart in Spring Pond Woods), was involved in a serious accident causing a head on collision on a highway exit ramp, while intoxicated. Article also states there are financial problems.   Link to article: http://m.salemnews.com/TSN/pm_104190/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=IHV8pRT6

The Salem Gazette
most of 'Lion Land' already lost to private parties,
Letter: Say no to big box expansion plan.
Compliments to the Mayor of Salem, Lord Driscoll for recently being awarded 2011 Essex Heritage Hero. Salem is a notable city, also initiated with momentum by past leaders. Respectfully, Driscoll needs to be the “Essex Heritage Hero” and change her corporate priorities, which are causing nightmares for many locals and surrounding towns. Driscoll has allowed a plan to construct big-box retail stores for the open-space of Camp Lion, a charitable trust that serves around 1,000 children in the North Shore. Not only is Salem facing a lawsuit by Lynn, there are complaints filed on the Lynn Lions and Camp Lion with the attorney general, by myself and others. Recent discoveries find the Lion’s land was originally 150 acres granted by Elizabeth Trumbull to the Lynn Lions in 1945, including a grant from the city of Salem. Only 70 acres of this land remains today, and another 25 is eyed for transfer or clearing.
Link: http://www.wickedlocal.com/salem/news/opinions/letters/x601861919/Say-no-to-big-box-expansion-plan#axzz1QRMgFJH4

Salem News
Letter:  Fight Continues to Save Camp Lion
Link: http://www.salemnews.com/opinion/x236810444/Letter-Fight-continues-to-save-Camp-Lion/print

Daily Item
Letter similar to above

-General Topic-
Architect: The Magazine of the American Institute of Architects
Dialogue: Big-box Paradox

April 2011, p. 13
Is Wal-mart really thinking sustainable or is it 'Greenwashing'?
Link: http://www.architectmagazine.com/sustainability/big-box-paradox.aspx
(Q: Is Wal-mart running out of places to build, thus taking over natural wild woodland, cliffs and watershed areas, like at Spring Pond Woods!?)

Thank you to the Salem Gazette, The Daily Item and The Salem News for extending the right of freedom of speech, by publishing letters to the editor in opposition to the big box plan.


  1. So the City of Salem, Ms. Mayor Driscoll and Camp Lion are all hitching their wagon to a drunk driver who is having financial problems! And the ones that will be harmed/destroyed/maybe killed are those of us who are on the proposed three-lane road and those innocent, powerless creatures who live in woods that he wants to obliterate. Shameful!

  2. Kennedy has Financial and business problems? This guy is the guy the Lions and Salem trusts?

  3. Doesnt sound like a responsible man.

  4. He shouldn't be allowed to drive. What about drunk driving laws? Heads will roll on this one if, god forbid, he gets drunk and kills someone.
    Sure, lets destroy paradise for a man who doesn't know right from wrong.
    As I've said along (and this confirms it)--this developer has no conscience.
    How do you feel now City of Salem Planning Board--you gave free reign to a drunk?

  5. He can't afford to pay his taxes but can afford to give campaign contributions to Driscoll and the governor. Look that up. Salem continues to let this man run free. It's obvious by the verdict.

  6. To Anon 3:07PM--I'm interested--exactly how much money did he contribute to the mayor and the governor?

  7. The Lions sure do own a beautiful forest.

  8. to Anon 10:51 PM,
    Agree--it is a treasure and a gift that they do not deserve because they do not value and appreciate it.
    They can honor their bequest by changing course---please stop this travesty from happening--save this open space area as it was intended to be.
    There are financial means to preserve open space. Please, please don't destroy this sacred land.

