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20 Lynn Youngsters did what the city could not

Perilous Street Cleaned by Boys
With Picks and Shovels 20 Lynn Youngsters Toil All Day --- City Unable to Do Work.
Daily Item, February 28, 1936

When the city ran low on funds, snow removal had ceased for many neighborhoods.  20 youngsters, ranging from ages 6-14 were tired of seeing their elders slip and fall on the streets, and so they created 'Operation Cleanup' to clear Fays Avenue when the city could not.  

To read article:  Click on image.  In slideshow, right-click on image to view in another window.  Image will appear in actual size. E-mail peace@springpondwoods.com for more info.

Thank you to Leslie Courtemanche for sharing these news clippings of her father, Rene Courtemanche who was at the time one of the 20 youngsters and foreman of 'Operation Cleanup'.