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Historic 1899 Map of Fay Estate

This older map of the Fay Estate found at the Register of the Salem Deeds, was drawn in 1899, and has not been posted here before.  This map names and defines the land of the Fay Estate, including the location of the buildings (Mansion, Carriage House, Servant's quarters, Laundry Building, Gatehouse) to which a few remain today on the Lynn side, except for the mansion.  The Fay Estate grew to about 500 acres around Spring Pond, partially Lynn, Peabody and Salem Ma.  Richard Fay purchased many parcels to enlarge his estate.  The stone walls which line each parcel, can be seen today through wooded and wetland areas.

'A little birdie said'...

2012 might bring more news for the area...

  • A conservation group is interested in purchasing land in Spring Pond Woods!
  • Wildlife Habitat reports have substantial evidence to provide for further land protection in and around certain identified locations!
  • Archeological and cultural resources have become an eye of concern for a federal recognized group.
  • The awareness of wetland areas have increased, with some environmental specialists. 

Involved groups have not been named for the purpose of protecting the cause of preservation.  When (more news from the little birdie of) final decisions (bad or good) are concluded, more information will be shared.

Hopefully in 2012, efforts in the preservation of Spring Pond Woods will move forward.

`Peace, on Earth