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News: Wal-mart Stores, crowd management fatality case

United States Department of Labor
US Department of Labor’s OSHA applauds decision upholding citation against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in crowd management fatality case
March 25, 2011

Thank you to a friend for sharing news of this article.

EARTH HOUR....go beyond the hour

On March 26, at 8:30 pm, individuals and businesses around the world join in the biggest grassroots movement, to turn the lights out for one hour as a display of commitment to save the planet.  World Wildlife Fund is asking to go beyond the hour.  "We have one earth - save it", as Rick would say.

Letter: Funds needed to preserve Spring Pond area

When reading an article in The Salem News this morning, my thoughts went to the children of the camp and how they must feel to have an area they've played in, and learned to love nature through, be torn away.  I have never been to camp in my youth, but can relate what it must be like for a child to love something gifted from nature, and then have it taken away.

The Salem News
by Leslie Courtemanch, March 23, 2011

More Galanthas: Snowdrop Flowers

 Snowdrop flowers are blooming in the area of the former Fay Garden.  As mentioned in the previous post:  The flower is native to Europe, stretching from the Pyrenees in the west, through France and Germany to Poland in the north, Italy, Northern Greece, Ukraine, and an old European area now in Turkey.  Snowdrops have been introduced and naturalized globally throughout the world.  This may be an import of one of Richard Sullivan Fay's exotic floral treasures, which might have been seen here first in the nation ( www.springpondwoods.com/p/exotic-flora.html ).  In most countries certain species of this flower are threatened.

Galanthas: Snowdrop flower

Snowdrop flowers were sighted by Leslie Courtemanche, while walking the trails.  The flower is native to Europe, stretching from the Pyrenees in the west, through France and Germany to Poland in the north, Italy, Northern Greece, Ukraine, and an old European area now in Turkey.  The flower has been introduced and naturalized globally throughout the world.  This may be an import of one of Richard Sullivan's Fays exotic floral treasures ( www.springpondwoods.com/p/exotic-flora.html ).  In most countries certain species of this flower are threatened.

Thank you Leslie Courtemanche for sharing this image.

Alert: Traffic might extend into quiet neighborhoods of the Fay Estate, Lynn

The Fay Estate neighborhood, off Western Ave, may need to be aware of this...
If the proposal of Lowe's is approved, the beloved camp ground currently located off Highland Ave will be forced to move and could possibly (temporarily?) use the grounds in the rear off Fay's Ave. This will create traffic congestion in a quite neighborhood where there is currently little to none.   400-2000 children will be transported back and forth through the road of Fays Ave.  For those who are used to strolling the peaceful roads, walking with friends, pets or strolling with children, or whose children currently play safely on the roads, using basketball hoops, bicycles or play other sports, please be aware of this possible change highly likely to occur if the deal between Camp Lion and the big-box retailer goes through.   For further inquiry or addressing concerns regarding the possible impact of traffic issues extending into these quiet areas, please contact the City of Lynn Traffic Department or Ward Councilor Trahant, who has done an excellent job in protecting the community regarding this issue from day one.

The camp is currently facing a tremendous challenge in raising millions to rebuild the facilities, if their goal will be accomplished at all.  This is one of the reasons why so many are hoping the camp ground will be able to remain at its current home off Highland Ave.  

Please spread the awareness.

 A concerned citizen who has no affiliation with either camp organization.

Old Postcard from the Fay Arboretum

"This divided-back postcard was printed in Germany for the Glenmere Co. of Lynn Mass. Although it has no postmark, it can be dated with confidence, between 1907, when the U.S. Postal Service first allowed divided-back postcard, and 1914, with the start of World War I. After the WWI began American postcards were printed either in England or in America.  By the time of this photo, Dudley Fay had sold out the estate to the Boston Interurban Realty Trust.  It documents that the citizens of Lynn, Salem and beyond were enjoying Mr Fay’s arboretum 100+ years ago, as the citizens and children of Lynn and Salem do today (or “did” if woods are developed)." ~ Tom O.  
Thank you Tom for sharing.  

Curious, if the image (not the print), is a reprint of an earlier decade, in the late eighteen hundreds?  Here is a map in progress of the remaining Fay Arboretum:  www.springpondwoods.com/p/arboretum.html
Drawn using Vectorworks Designer/Architect/ Landmark/Renderworks, by yours truly.

Local artist draws Spring Pond, scene iii

Local artwork by Brian Joyce, bjoyceart.blogspot.com
Snow and Ice Covered Outcropping At Spring Pond Woods.

Thank you Brian, for sharing.

Not all the Lions

An anonymous commentator on a local newspaper article regarding the Lynn Lions/ Camp Lion, offers this reminder:

"As a clarification to "Lions", there are 3 separate Lions Clubs in Lynn... (and one in Salem)...  This action only involves the Lynn Lions Club and Camp Lion.  The other two clubs:  Wyoma and Shoe City Lions Clubs have nothing to do with this and have no influence over the Lynn Lions Club or Camp Lion Directors!"

News: Big Boxes are shrinking

Thank you to a Salem friend for sharing this article.
Will it be a matter of time, before big box stores return to mom & pops, and Walmart rethinks before expanding into Spring Pond Woods?

The Wall Street Journal | Business
As Big Boxes Shrink, They Also Rethink
by Miguel Bustillo, March 3, 2011

Major big-box retailers have been shifting to smaller stores—and scratching around for more profitable ways to fill under-used spaces as they go about reinventing themselves......

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. also said last week that it was accelerating the rollout of smaller locations—40,000 square feet or less—after it reported a seventh straight quarterly decline in sales at U.S. stores open at least a year. (!... )

Read more here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704728004576176601936377760.html

Land subject to flooding

Why do the FEMA flood maps for the Cities of Peabody and Lynn, indicate flood hazard zones just over the boundary lines from Salem... but over the line in Salem, there is no adjacent land subject to flooding declared?   Highland Ave does flood, from the streams up hill...  (see photos).   What are the limitations if the land is subject to flooding?  Like the setbacks and protection of (potential/) vernal pools, etc?

I've raise this question before to the Salem Planning Board, about the designation of flood hazard areas, but never received an answer.  Hopefully someone out there has one.
Map from OLIVER, the Mass GIS online data viewer.

News: Peabody leaders have concern for big-box project near Spring Pond

Peabody Patch
Peabody keeps a Close Eye on Salem Walmart Expansion
by Dan Baer, March 3, 2011
Link to article:  http://peabody.patch.com/articles/city-keeps-a-close-eye-on-salem-walmart-expansion

In this article, Karen Sawyer of Peabody Community Development, is the only person heard to instantly defend the project in the article.  At the ad-hoc meeting, she mentioned she is "talking with Dunkin", planner of the City of Salem, who is saying everything will be alright.  Karen, may believe everything she hears but others may have a mind of their own.

"If you do not ask the right question, you will not receive the right answer."  As an example:  My first question in the Salem Planning Board Public Hearing on April 1st of last year was:  "Have you contacted the City of Peabody, since this project is close to their drinking supply?"   The reply received:  "Yes, Peabody is aware, and the reservoir is miles away from the site" (making signs with the hands that the project is far away, north somewhere.)"   
(Did I not ask the right question?  Because I did not receive the correct answer.  Turns out the City of Peabody was not aware of the project until a few months later in August.  And this project is on the hills, on or near water surface protection areas (watershed) that surround Spring Pond.)