Making the request to conserve open space around Spring Pond including private lots, is not a radical idea or new one. In fact, in 2007, future goals of Salem addressed in "The City of Salem Open Space and Recreation Plan Update: 2007-2012" acknowledged by The Mayor of Salem, Kimberley Driscoll, strategizes how to achieve this important matter for the people.
"The need to improve and upgrade park facilities, and preserve and protect existing open spaces is widely recognized and deeply felt by Salem residents."
In this plan, Camp Lion is inventoried. It states, the main goal of the Open Space and Recreation Plan is to:
- Protect open space.
- Seek to establish public/private partnership for park maintenance.
- Identify parcels not owned by the City located in wetlands or other resource areas and identify the current owner.
- If purchase and sale is not possible speak to the current owner about developing a conservation restriction on the property.
- Provide consistently high standards for "symbolic landscapes".
- Assess historic resources to prioritize protection of those that are most endangered.
- Strengthen Salem's wetlands ordinance to protect rare, endangered, and unique flora and fauna.
- Protect examples of Salem's ecological diversity.
- Identify ways to replace filled wetlands and provide natural flood plain protection.
- Revise local Wetlands Ordinance to include the implementation of conservation restrictions on parcels developed adjacent to resource areas***
- etc.
I hope the Mayor of Salem can come through on this genius plan... I wish I wrote myself, to-
"Increase awareness and educate residents who live in Salem and other nearby communities about the open space and recreation amenities and needs that exist..."
After all, there is a lot of public interest to save this de-facto public open space. And by public favorite vote, Spring Pond Woods is now one of the '1000 Great Places in Massachusetts'.
I wish that was all 'she wrote'. *** It appears this plan did recognize that the wetlands ordinance needed to be strengthened in 2007 as a strategy to preserve open space. But in 2009 when the zoning for Camp Lion was redone (a go for Lowe's), it was done so without strengthening the outdated local wetland zones Salem follows from the 70's. If the waterway areas were updated, it would of created more restrictions.
4 acres of the land that is proposed to be a Lowe's access road and parking is technically Salem's Public parcel. So there we go.
Peace on
I'ld like to thank a resident of Salem for sharing the link to this Open Space and Recreation Plan.