This is an overlay of a drawing showing a proposed ("super") commercial development and Mass GIS data layers showing: contours, Surface Water Protection areas, and wetlands . A 3d site model was made from topographical information extracted from Mass GIS. The arrows of drainage flow as shown, was then generated from the site model created in the software program Vectorworks Designer/Architect, drawn by yours truely (K.P.). Please note, this map gives an overall idea of where rain water naturally flows down hill; the drainage arrows are based on a 120' grid.

I hope the following concerns are not ignored:
1. The drains on the Salem or Lynn side cannot handle more water flow.
2. Water that flows and naturally fills a reservoir should not be diverted down a storm drain.
3. A development should not use wetlands connecting to Spring Pond as basin.
4. New England winters- Where will the dirty snow from an enormous parking lot be shoveled, and where will the dirty snow pile up near... near the downslopes to Spring Pond? (Peabody officials, if you are listening, you have a right like the rest of the public does to speak at the Salem Planning Board Meetings, to request a hearing of your own.)
5. Chapter 91 - Spring Pond and its adjoining wetlands gives rights to all members of the public.
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