Nearly every rainstorm brings a flood on Highland Ave in front of Wal-mart's lot.
Here are a few photos submitted by Brian C. at 11:19 am today [Thank You!].
The sewers on the Lynn and Salem side cannot handle anymore storm water. Walmart's lot used to be a marsh... if this has anything to do with it ? Taking away an enormous area of trees on the hillsides makes sense to continue with development here?

Mass GIS data layer map c1900

Map overlay
The walmart has been there for well over 10yrs. Shall we rip it down. It's called flash flooding and exists in all urban areas. The nice things is when they chop down and make the BIGGER walmart the roads will be widened. Problems solved. I really will get great pleasure the day they chop down the first tree after listening to you whiny bitches for months and months!
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ReplyDeleteYour Welcome :)
maybe they should widen it to 16 lanes and the problem will really be solved. Except we'll end up with 16 flooded lanes of back-up traffic trying to merge into two lanes of Western ave. what are they thinking?
ReplyDeleteYes, Anonymous (3:19)
ReplyDeleteI believe you are precisely correct.
This area is a natural collector of water. The more trees that are cut to make for more impervious surfaces, the more floods there will be.
The water in the photo looks looks like it dropped from when I passed here. It was nearly to the top of the rail!
ReplyDeleteThank you for documenting things. We appreciate your hard work!
Anon no1
ReplyDeletecry me a river just like the one in the photo.
let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.
I suppose I am one of the whiny b's that anonymous refers to because I'm a female and a vocal opponent to this devastating project. Although controversy and insults puzzle and dishearten me, they never ever deter me in my steadfast commitment to do all I can possibly do to try to preserve this 'one last' unfragmented, rich habitat for future generations and for those voiceless creatures, plants, etc. that have existed here for millennia and have no defense to dynamite and bulldozing. It is totally selfish, greedy and short-sighted to consume every bit of space on this earth and leave nothing for anything else.
ReplyDeleteI suppose anonymous thinks Theodore Roosevelt, or John Muir or Rachel Carson were all whiny b's. Good thing...or we wouldn't have National Parks and we'd still have DDT poisoning the environment. Bring on the whiny b's---they effect positive change and fight for preserving a clean environment.