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Richard Fay planted the forest with his own hands...

Richard Sullivan Fay

History of Essex County Massachusetts
with Biographical Sketches, Volume 1 - Google Books

He commenced at once... "covering the hills with innumerable trees, many of which he planted with his own hands.  He imported larches, maples, firs, pines in large quantities, planted acorns constantly in his walks about the estate, and succeeded in converting a rough and somewhat unattractive landscape into a variegated forest, through which winds an avenue of great beauty, bordered by deciduous and evergreen trees distributed with great taste, and constituting a charming combination of variety and luxuriance of foliage"


  1. Mr. Fay pre-dates Olmsted, in creating a man-made natural looking arboretum.

  2. imagine in a blink of an eye this place could have been completely gone had development continued. lets save whats left!

  3. this place is an art

  4. This makes a special place even more special.

