In 1909, the Town of Peabody purchased 109.5 acres around Spring Pond in Lynn, Peabody and Salem, for the purpose to protect and preserve the purity of the water.
Excuse me, but City of Peabody please take off the blind folds and ear plugs today!
How come the areas shaded in blue around Spring Pond are noted to be protected in perpetuity for the purpose of water supply, but there is little concern about the proposed commercial development on an unprotected parcel shown in pink, on the X? Did we think this nonprofit would keep to it's mission?
We understand the dramatic slopes, where natural water flows down to Spring Pond, make it reasonable to worry how far back the land should be protected to the highest hilltop from commercial development like this, and that is what the residents from Peabody and others have been trying to say.

The latest map data was downloaded from Mass GIS, using OLIVER, and imported into the software Vectorworks Designer/ Architect. Click on map above to view.
Stay tuned for a 3d model showing drainage arrows.
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